“We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live”



Firstly, to introduce myself:  I’m Giselle and my one true love is film.

From a very young age I have enjoyed watching films, it started with Disney and Barbie with my first DVD being “Barbie in Swan Lake” but it wasn’t until I first watched Lord of the Rings that I truly fell in love with film.

It was the first time I watched and re-watched a film and I began to see more than just an epic quest and a few cool characters.  There was stunning dialog, clever plot twists, beautiful locations and a completely awe-inspiring soundtrack.  From then on film became a whole new world, no longer just an entertaining way to spend a couple of hours but a bright mix of directing, editing, casting, lighting, cinematography, acting and so, so much more.

Over the years my interest in film only grew.  I made films with friends, with varied levels of success.  I went on a couple of courses with the British Film Institute met amazing film makers, made films of my own with other people who loved film as much as I did and learnt more than I had ever imagined.

In the years following I’ve worked on a few other films, watched hundreds more and built a DVD collection that I can be sincerely proud of.  To this day, Lord of the Rings remains my favourite film series of all time with my dearest dream being to someday work on a film that will have as much impact on someone else’s life as LOTR has had on mine.


In this blog I will write about my passion.  Talk about films I’ve watched, what I liked and what I didn’t.  And hopefully share my journey as I charge my way into the film industry.


Welcome to my thoughts on film!